The Chaotic Monday Energy

I’ve had Mondays when I dreaded going to work. Maybe dread is a strong word (but apt in some cases). “Unmotivated” is resonating since it’s a more common feeling.

Yet, I’ve also had Mondays where I was motivated to go to work and slay the project.

The difference between a motivated, unmotivated, and a dreaded Monday was, in fact, quite straightforward.

The job where I wasn’t valued, a manager I didn’t get along with, and a low morale team — is where I dreaded my Mondays.

The job where it was okayish, a decent manager, a decent team, but a droning work is where I had unmotivated Mondays.

And the job where it was fun, with an encouraging manager, a welcoming team, and decent to good work is where I was motivated on Mondays to go to work.

That also sums up my three corporate stints.

Of course, it’s not absolute. I’ve had unmotivated Mondays at the job I loved the most out of the three, and vice versa. But overall, that’s how Mondays felt in each stint.

I’m a freelancer now. My Mondays now oscillate between motivated and unmotivated. But rarely dreaded. And that’s a good enough reason for me not to go back to a plushy corporate job.


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